Simplify Your Active Directory Reporting

Generate detailed reports effortlessly. Designed for everyone in IT, this tool delivers quick insights to streamline your decisions.

Free version
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Pro version
Starting from just $149

Can you really get reports in just a few minutes?

Yes, get your report in three easy steps:
  1. Download the installer (less than 20 MB) and install it on your domain-joined workstation.
  2. Browse report categories to find the report you need and customize report columns.
  3. Press Generate and the report will be ready in a few moments.

What reports do you have?

We have more than 250 built-in reports to get reports on Users, Computers, Groups, Exchange, Contacts, Printers, Group Policy Objects, Organizational Units.

And that's not all, you can create an unlimited number of custom reports using the intuitive filter manager.

Top 5 features

  • Export reports to CSV, Excel, PDF, XML, ODS, JSON, and HTML.
  • Scheduled report generation with the option of sending the results to e-mail.
  • Report archive, convenient access to historical data.
  • Runs in the context of the current domain user, so no additional configuration is required.
  • Several useful calculated attributes not found in other tools.

What reports do you have?

What if there are no built-in reports for our needs?

How to share the reports?

Can this be automatized?

Can I see reports I have generated last year?

I want to generate reports for only one OU

Featuring Some of Our Pro Version Users

agrivisionequipment Logo
agvantis Logo
akani Logo
aktion Logo
almuntazir Logo
alps-electric Logo
ativo Logo
Bdo Logo
Bitron Logo
Braintower Logo
Butterfield Logo
Capcenter Logo
Card-complete Logo
Ccl Logo
Cdm Logo
Chestnut Logo
Cla-val Logo
Deutsche-leasing Logo
Dimr Logo
Douglas Logo
Dynamox Logo
Ekato Logo
Eldorado-gold Logo
Electricom-logo Logo
Ellumen Logo
Elta Logo
Emedapps Logo
Enerconom Logo
Energyunited Logo
Evofem Logo
Ezcorp Logo
Fibrebond Logo
Fredbeans Logo
Fruitfulyield Logo
Gkl_logo_claim Logo
Gleeds Logo
Hamburger-kunsthalle Logo
Hanover-county Logo
Helena Logo
Hennlich Logo
Honegger Logo
Infirmary-health Logo
Infors Logo
Inventx Logo
Jelba Logo
Ksm Logo
Leica Logo
Linz-airport Logo
Magna Logo
Mec Logo
Mgm-com Logo
Miavit Logo
Model-n Logo
Mountain-State-Dermatology Logo
Nextjump Logo
NicoletNationalBank Logo
Nordic-paper Logo
Orizon Logo
Paq-it Logo
Payone Logo
Phoenixmecano Logo
Pipedrive Logo
Prince0bank Logo
Quanta Logo
Teknos Logo
Telus Logo
University of North Dakota Logo
Venafi Logo

I downloaded this and ran a few reports. It's very fast and lightweight. Most of the reports are something that I could do myself by building my own export scripts, but each report would take some time to develop on my own.
I am impressed with the ease of building/modifying reports. It's really simple to add/remove Active Directory fields and apply filters to the reports.
It only took a few minutes for me to realize the value. I went ahead and purchased and this is going to be a real time-saver for my admin toolbox!
--David from TX, United States (Source)

I have tested your tool and have found it to be quite useful for the general type of reports one may need to run . The mix of built in reports is quite comprehensive.I like that you have added export to Excel which is missing from other AD reporting tools I have tried.
Keep up the good work.
--Waynne, Netcare

The report I like the most is finding “last logon time”, “last logon machine” and etc. This requires accessing all domain controller hence it has been written to the job neatly. In addition, it has a database that keeps track all your report hence if you schedule it to run every day, you will know on a daily/weekly basis what account has been created and make awareness until it is too late. I think for me, it is a great tool to keep track what has changed and the result was kept every day.
--Jian An Lim, Ensyst

More happy customers

Free vs Pro version

Free version Pro version
Generate 250+ reports included included
8 report categories included included
Customize reports with 370 fields included included
Multiple domain connections included included
Export to files (CSV, Excel, PDF, XML, ODS, JSON, and HTML) included included
Report storage not included included
Priority customer support not included included
Create custom report filters not included included
Guaranteed updates and bug fixes not included included
Automated reporting not included included
Customize HTML export forms not included included
Additional fields to generate more in-depth reports not included included
Additional built-in report forms to generate advanced reports not included included
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Get your AD FastReporter Pro license now

One-time payment = use forever

Individual license
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This license is great for one person. It's perfect if you're the go-to tech person in a small company. You can put this software on your computer, use it all you want, and send reports to your team. But, your team can't use the software on their computers with this license.

Company license
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This one's for bigger teams. Any number of people in your company can use the software with this license. Everyone can install it on their computers at work. It's a good pick if lots of you need to use the software together.

Consultant/MSP license
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This is for companies that help other companies, like IT consultants or service providers. With this license, all your employees can use the software no matter where they are or how many places they work from. It's really flexible, so if you're helping out at different sites or have lots of locations, this is the one for you.

What type of license is this?

It is a perpetual license that allows you to use this Pro version for a lifetime.
It includes lifetime customer support and minor updates.
Within one year of license purchase, you can receive free major updates, if available. After this period, the major update must be purchased separately.

Are you interested in other Albus Bit products?

Check out Albus Bit Pro Bundles (Save up to $1371).

How long does it take for the license to be delivered?

An email with a license key is sent once payment is approved, which should happen almost immediately. If you do not receive an email soon after, contact us and we will check your order.

Refund policy

Please try Trial version before buying a product because we don't offer refunds.

If you have any questions…

Please contact us.

Secure online payments provided by 2Checkout.

Software Requirements

Supports Windows OS Windows operating system starting from Windows 7 and above (including Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022).
Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 6 (LTS) - here is how to install .NET on Windows and here is the download link.

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