AD Group Manager Web - Online Manual


  1. Prepare your Windows Server:

    1. Enable the Web Server (IIS) server role
    2. Install the latest ASP.NET Core 8 Hosting Bundle
  2. Install it on your server.

    Download the installer from our website and follow its instructions. Use IIS Quick Setup or manually install it on your IIS web server.
  3. Configure:

    1. Locate the 'appsettings.json' file in the wwwroot folder and edit the 'Administration' section. Use the 'AdminUsers' or 'AdminGroups' fields to set up AD Group Manager Web Administrator users. For example, '' AdminUsers '': ['' johndoe '', '' mikedoe '' '' superadmin ''] or '' AdminGroups '': ['' admin_users '', '' helpdesk_admins '']
    2. Log in with your administrator user to the AD Group Manager website
    3. In the first section, set whether you want to enable user activity logging
    4. Allow/deny users to edit group and group membership data
    5. In the fields section, configure what data users can see
  4. Perform tests

    With a test user who is set up as a test group manager. How do I set up a group manager?

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